Business came to a standstill at Nkando Tradining centre in Mulanje on Tuesday as two women exchanged brawls in broad day light over a man.

The fact of the matter is that A 34 year old woman from Khuvinda village in Mulanje district has been in relationship with a married man of the same village for a while now.

On the fateful day, the two planned to spend their day at Nkando trading centre in a guesthouse.

According to the source, Mwayiwawo Kalikuthe said the two were seen entering in the guesthouse by the woman’s friend who later tipped her the where about of her husband.

“I was seating here selling my tomatoes and suddenly saw the woman going towards the guesthouse and later going into the market calmly and we did not think that she came here to look for the husband snatcher”, Kalikuthe said

She added that the woman in question was with a certain man buying food items in the market and they thought it was a family.

“We just heard the woman crying due to the hot slap she received from the owner of the husband and we all run to the scene” she continued

According to the wife, Mphatso Yona said she was waiting for a good chance like this one to deal with the girlfriend since the husband does not give her enough money for shopping but spending the little they have to the side-chick.

“ I am tired with this man’s attitude towards me and my kids, he does not behave in a way married men do, we have two kids together but he does not help his own children, so today i will teach his girlfriend how to respect other people’s husband”, Mphatso expressed her anger

When the reporter of the story reached the scene, found out that the man had ran away leaving the food stuffs he bought for the girlfriend amounting to 7 thousand kwacha while the girlfriend soaked in tears due to the fights she received from the co-wife.

The girlfriend was hidden in one of the nearby shops in order to rescue her from the angry wife who nearly chopped her head into pieces.

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