There was commotion at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) mortuary in Blantyre on Friday after family members refused to collect the dead body of their relative after discovering some cuts on the head and stomach.

The deceased has been identified as Norman Kadewere.

The fact of the matter is that the deceased was a minibus driver and he died yesterday after collapsing. This was confirmed at community hospital.

The body was later referred to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital Mortuary.

And today relatives came to collect the body for burial only to discover that that Kadewere’s body had a cut on the head and a distended stomach.

The development forced relatives to demand answers from mortuary officials.

Brother to the deceased Joseph Kadewere has confirmed of the development in an interview with the press.

The body of Kadewere has since been taken to Chiradzulu District Hospital for postmortem by the police.

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