Dust is failing settle in Malawi after Police summoned Ant-Corruption Bureau (ACB) boss, Martha Chizuma to Police Headquarters at Area 30 in Lilongwe in connection to leaked audio scandal which Chizuma was caught discussing office related issued with unidentified person.

Following the summon, concerned citizens under the banner ‘Citizens Against Impunity and Corruption’ which is led by political commentator Joshua Chisa Mbele, organized demonstrations at Police Headquarters saying the move is politically motivated with aim of frustrating Chizuma in the fight against corruption.

This forced the police to suspend the interview to a date that will be communicated.

Now, another grouping in Mzuzu composed of Youth and Society, National Anti Corruption Alliance and some Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) has asked Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB)  to act with no fear, to name and shame all corruption suspects who are under investigation.

The grouping made the remarks during a media briefing in Mzuzu on Chizuma’s summon

According Moses Mkandawire, chairperson of the National Anti Corruption Alliance says that Malawians need to know all individuals involved in the country state capture so that they can ably follow through the matter.

Charles Kajoloweka of YAS has demanded professionalism from police, and has asked it to to desist being used as a weapon of what he called judicial harrassment.

Meanwhile, police has attacked media for politising the matter after the interview was suspended.

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