A 49 year old married man has been sent packing after spending three nights at his side-chick’s house in Madulira-Machinjiri.

According to the wife, Esther said her husband convinced her that he was going to Mwanza for a work trip and that he will spend three days or more depending on the amount of work to be done during the trip.

“He lied to me that he was going to Mwanza for a work trip but in real sense he was going to spend time with his girlfriend and I am doing him a favor to go back to where he is coming from”, said Esther

Reports indicate that the man was in Chilimba to the side-chick’s house where he was seen by Esther’s young sister when she went to visit her friend in the same compound where the side-chick rents and later explained everything to her elder sister.

Esther did not believe but went to the friend the sister was talking about where she saw everything by herself, without any anger the woman went back to Machinjiri where she packed all the husband belongings and left them outside the house with an aim of sending him back to Mwanza to spend the rest of his life there doing work trip since he only took little clothes.

When coming back from the work trip on Thursday evening, he found his stuffs outside the house and it was then that he knew that his wife knows everything.

“I don’t hate you but I want the best for you and this is the best gift i can give you after spending so many years together, would you please take your things and go back to where you are coming from”, said Esther

The husband could not utter any word, he was mute , surprised and almost crying due to the shame he has brought for himself.

According to the source identified as Kumbukani, the man has been lying to his wife about workshops for a long time but in reality it was just an excuse.

She added that the man in question once dated her best friend to the extent that he lied to the friend that he is a divorcee who is looking for a woman to marry, after some months the friend find out that he is married and broke-up the relationship with him.