All is set for the 72nd birthday celebration of former President Dr. Joyce Banda, founder of the Peoples Party (PP) at Robins Park in Blantyre.

Banda will also be celebrating that her foundation (Joyce Banda Foundation) has clocked 25 years.

Initially, Banda’s birthday was scheduled for April 12 but the celebration was shifted to today, April 23, 2022.

Writing on her official facebook page Banda said: “Just finished having a wonderful working dinner with former students of the JOYCE BANDA FOUNDATION SCHOOLS. This was a preparatory meeting for the event scheduled for Saturday which will take place in Blantyre at the Robins Park Center where The JOYCE BANDA FOUNDATION will be celebrating their FOUNDERS 72nd birthday and 25th anniversary of the JOYCE BANDA FOUNDATION which was founded 25 years ago in 1997 in Blantyre.

“It was wonderful seeing my daughters.”

Banda once served as Malawi’s Vice President under the reign of former President Bingu Wa Mutharika before ascending to the Presidency Office.

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