Mangochi Senior Resident Magistrate Court on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, convicted and sentenced Missi Bwanali, 30, to 17-years imprisonment with hard labor for dousing his wife with hot water due to delays in serving him supper.

The court heard through Mangochi Police Prosecution Officer inspector Amos Mwase that, on the evening of April 9, 2022, the convict who is a fisherman returned home while drunk and found the victim Nancy Bwanali, 32, about to cook supper.

The convict shouted at his wife accusing her of taking longer to prepare food which resulted in wrangles between the couple.

Prosecutor Mwase added that, in the heat of the argument, the husband took a pot of hot water from the fire and poured it onto the face of the wife before fleeing.

The neighbors rushed her to Mangochi District Hospital where she was admitted after sustaining severe burns.

Appearing in court, the accused person pleaded not guilty to the charge and the state paraded three witnesses who proved the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

In mitigation, Bwanali asked for leniency saying that he was drunk when the offense was committed but prosecutor Mwase reminded the court that intoxication is not a defense and the convict has left a permanent disfigure on the wife hence prayed for a stiffer sentence.

Passing judgment, Senior Resident Magistrate Rodrick Michongwe concurred with the state hence the 17-year sentence to serve as a lesson to other would-be offenders.

Bwanali hails from Michesi Village Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi.

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