Prophet and self proclaimed Man of God Passion Java has been caught in yet another scandal, and this time it seems to involve a side chick that he might have asked to have an abortion after impregnating her.
The ‘Gucci pastor’ as he is commonly known, was exposed for cheating on his wife Lilly Java. This happened as his alleged side chick, Lesha Andagama, came through with all the receipts.
The lady claims to be pregnant for the prophet. She went on TikTok, and using one of the signature sounds on the platform, recorded a video in which she posted a bunch of screenshots showing her conversations with Passion Java for a long time.
The screenshots (if it is really Passion Java on the other side) show that they were having an affair. It shows the prophet telling her how much he wants her, and promising to see her as soon as he is done with work. But it gets nastier.
She went on to say in a video on Instagram that she does not regret getting pregnant, but she regrets that it is his baby.
But once upon a time, we were in love. We always fought for each other. We always put each other first. Always were there for each other,” she said.
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