Chewa Chiefs from Lilongwe district have asked the ‘Misguided’ Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members to cancel their planned Saturday rally following the death of Village Headman Maloya from Mgona in the district.

According to the death announcement made available to the publication on Friday morning, Group Village Headman Maloya died peacefully last evening after a short illness, at his loyal house in the area.

Amfumu a Maloya ochokera kwa Mgona atisiya usiku wapitawu, Maliro ngoyika mawa Loweruka,” reads the announcement in vernacular

The announcement further said: “Mwambo wa Maliro uchitikira pa bwalo la Mgona chomcho mafumu onse kwa Mgona ati pasepezeke wina ochita zinthu zake bwaloli (Funeral ceremony will be held at Mgona Ground, therefore it is prohibited to conduct a rally at the said venue on the on Saturday).

Initially, the ‘misguided’ DPP members who are enjoying support from party leader Peter Mutharika, planned to hold the rally at Mgona Ground on Saturday, to counter attack Kondwani Nankhumwa rally slated for Sunday.

Meanwhile, DPP’s Vice President for the Central region, Zeria Chakale, who is also a key organizer for the rally, is reported to be calling the chiefs pleading with them to bury the departed chief during the morning hours, in order to pave way for the political rally but the chiefs are refusing.

However, according to Chewa and African culture chiefs, it is taboo and very disrespectful to bury a chief in the morning hours.

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