As women, when we hit it off with a guy and want to take things forward, why do we want him to show interest first?

Lady texting

They say finding love in the modern world is tough, when the truth is, it’s only as tough as we make it.

As women, when we hit it off with a guy and want to take things forward, why do we want him to show interest first?

Why do we spend hours waiting for his text, hoping for him to ask us out? Perhaps, we’re conditioned to think that men don’t appreciate women being forward and moving too fast – but if that’s how we’re really feeling, why be afraid to show it?

Moreover, not all men think this way. Many of them, in fact, find women with confidence and clarity irresistibly attractive! It shows that you don’t believe in gender roles and can look after yourself.

But how will you ever find out if you never make the first move? If you’re still not convinced about texting him first, here are 5 more reasons you should:

  • Confidence is attractive

Not all men are intimidated by women who are strong, vocal and upfront. If he is, you don’t want him in your life anyway! It’s 2022 and women must stop caring about coming across as ‘too much’ of anything, and start owning their emotions like a boss. If you’re in love, you’re in love. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, a lot of guys appreciate women having clarity and confidence. It’s a refreshing change for them.

  • Cut through the waiting

When you meet a new guy and the chemistry starts building up, you go through a jittery phase of waiting for his texts. Although he’s on your mind all the time, you don’t want to initiate the conversation because you’re afraid of coming across as too eager or too available. At times, it’s good to not overthink things and simply take the plunge. It can really save you some mental energy. Besides, life is short and we don’t want to waste time waiting for love to happen, right?

  • He could be shy

As women, we’re conditioned to think that men have to lead the way in love. They’re expected to text us first, ask us out, drop us home, pay on dates and pop the question – while we simply play the passive role in the relationship. Not only is this unfair, but also super boring! Maybe he is interested in you but is too shy to say it. Text him first and save yourself, and him, the trouble!

  • Get rid of delusions

At times, it can so happen that you think you’ve hit it off with a guy, but he doesn’t really feel the same way. The only way to know is to communicate. Being delusional and building castles in the air can really hurt you in the long run. So don’t hesitate to text him first and figure out what he’s thinking. Being turned down now is better than being disappointed later.

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