Five men are in Police custody in Chitipa for being found in possession of 301 fake US$100 dollar notes with an equal value of US$30,100.

Acting on intelligence-driven investigations, Police in April 10 arrested two of the suspects for possessing counterfeit notes.

The first two suspects have been identified as Mike Sichinga, 28, of Mukule village in the Area of Traditional Authority Katumbi in Rumphi district, and Prince Mkandawire, 26, of Matola village in the Area of Traditional Authority Chindi in Mzimba District.

During interrogation, the suspects implicated three more suspects.

The three are Zacheus Sichali, 38, who is a prison warder at Rumphi prison, Godfrey Mwakifwamba, 42, and Edward Kayange, 41, a businessman.

They were arrested on April 20 and 22 in various districts.

Analysis done by the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) has confirmed the currency to be fake.

The first two suspects already appeared before the court while the remaining three will appear soon.

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