THE police has dispelled information being peddled on social media that the mobile money agent who is alleged  to have been abducted on April 13,2022 Pamela Chisumpa has been found dead.

In a statement statement issued by police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga, police have have not received such information.

“If at all there is anyone with such information or any other information that may help in the ongoing investigations in this matter to report to the nearest police station or through:

Mobiles: 0950 767438, 0776 497217,0766 716438 (Calls  and WhatsApp),” he said.

Mr Hamoonga has also warned people who are in the habit of posting falsehood on social media that the long arm of the law will soon catch up with them so that the can be made to account for their actions  through the courts of law.

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