Ministry of local government has told Mwanza district council to wait for the stadium project saying is not in the current plans and in this financial year’s budget.

Malango Botomani, District Commissioner for Mwanza said this after the follow ups of the project that central government recommended that the funds were available, now it has come out not to be in current plans and the budget which they have been given.

“They told us that they want to complete other projects that already started before starting new ones like ours but we cannot promise the people who are on our neck that the project will commence any time soon unless the central government tells us otherwise,” said Botomani.

According to Petro Mtseka, Spokesperson for Mwanza stadium advocacy committee said they want an explanation for stopping the project without any notice.

“We were told funds were readily available that is why we would like to follow up whether the money was diverted to other project or is still available, we have met all district authorities and the next move is to follow up with minister and principal secretary for local government to give us a tangible explanation”, said Mtseka

Anjoya Mwanza, Ministry of local government spokesperson is yet to comment on the matter.