South Africans on social media are mocking Zimbabweans after the hashtag #ShutDownZimbabwe made it to the trends list.
The South Africans mocked their neighbours for tweeting about the #ShutDownZimbabwe protest from the safety of foreign countries.
They called on the Zimbabweans to return home to fix their woes, instead of burdening other countries.
This comes after trade unions, student organisations and internet activists called for a stay-at-home protest on May 9.
The #ShutDownZimbabwe protest is in response to the worsening economic conditions and ill-equipped public transport system.
South Africans called on Zimbabweans residing in their country, legal or otherwise, to return home to take part in the protests.
The Southern African country has noted an increase in nationalist and anti-foreigner sentiments. Vigilante groups such as Operation Dudula and the Dudula Movement have stepped up anti-foreigner rhetoric mainly targeting Zimbabweans.
Unsurprisingly, South Africans seized the #ShutDownZimbabwe protests to push for Zimbabweans to leave their country.
Below is how some South Africans reacted to the #ShutdownZimbabwe protests:
You need to be in Zim and shout this slogan. Not hiding in foreign countries and acting tough. Take the guns you using in SA to use them in Zim
#ShutDownZimbabwe— Inferior Peasant
(@NonAgitator) May 5, 2022
People should be singing #ShutDownZimbabwe on their to boarders out SA entering Zimbabwe not on twitter while chilling in SA go help your country needs you.
Zimbabweans in Zimbabwe are fighting for their rights through shutdown. Cowards & Parasites Zimbabweans are demanding citizenship in foreign country like S.A.
south africa must organize free bus to help zimbabwean who are here to go home on the 8may so that they can help to shut it down.
Dear zimbos same energy you are using here in SA use it to free yourselves & your country #ShutDownZimbabwe its your opportunity to show the world how hardworking you are
We’ll support you on Twitter
Back home they are scared of these guys
— Mufuniwa Nthambe (@NthambeleniGab1) May 5, 2022
The real patriotic Zimbabweans are home, making it work for their descendants. There will be no shutting down Zimbabwe by cowards who ran away to foreign lands to be a cocoroaches. Shut out to ’em zim hustlers, not rapists, murders and witches coming to S.A