Below are three mature strategies on how to ask your girlfriend to teach you money.

  1. First try to make her happy and talk her about her problems and after listening her.

Admire her supporting nature and explain her that in every success relationship, understanding your partner is most important and helping him/her whenever he/she needs you.

Love shouldn’t be only by saying I love you and giving presents its about taking care each other and helping each other and being with your partner whenever he/she needs you more. It should be seen in actions that really someone caring someone.

  1. Now you can tell her that there is a problem I’m facing and I want some help, I know earlier it was man’s job to earning but it’s a modern world and any one can do anything, and currently I am facing some money problem and I need some help.

I hope you won’t think that it’s only my job to bring money and earn in our relation. It’s our job to full fill our relation.

  1. You can try to be sad and sadder and try to show her that you’re having problem in your life. When she asks you about this that why are you so sad then you can tell her about your problem and let’s see what she will do. You can tell her a story of your friend that he was facing some problems in his life and how her girlfriend supports him and helps him throughout his hard time. Now your friend is happy in his life and still with that girl since she loves him, and she was there when he needed her the most. You even can give examples of Okyeame Kwame( Musician) and other guys, how theirs girlfriends supported them in their hard time and now as they are famous and success they never broke up with them and happy in their life.
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