Thyolo District Council has introduced the use of United Beneficiary Registry (UBR) database of people living in the district for easy identification of all social protection programmes.

Morson Magombo, Thyolo Director of Planning and Development said this to members of the District Social Support Committee (DSSC) and District Training Team (DTT) during the training on UBR on Thursday 5 May, 2022.

“Under the harmonised social protection, there are five projects in Thyolo: Public Works Programme,School Meals, Microfinance, Village Savings and Loans and Social Cash Transfer which areimplemented independently,” Magombo said.

Magombo said that the database will help to eliminate repetitions and track progress as an instrumental for identifying categorizing households based on socioeconomic data.

Stella Mangwende from Samuti village in Traditional Authority Boila welcomed the development.

“This is a welcomed development for the programmes because the initiative will help to remove biasness when selecting beneficiaries for social protection programmes”, said Mangwende

The social protection programmes in the country have a lot of challenges and this programme will help to reduce the repetition of the beneficiaries.

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