Social commentator and President Lazarus Chakwera’s critic Joshua Chisa Mbele has attacked Speaker of Parliament Catherine Gotani Hara for endorsing President Lazarus Chakwera as the torch bearer of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) in the forthcoming 2025 presidential elections.

Gotani Hara made the endorsement on Saturday at Tambala Night  Fundraising at Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC).

Writing on his Facebook page Chisa Mbele said the Speaker is to shallow adding that she deserves to be fired.

“Speaker of Parliament is just too shallow. If I were Ayatollah of Iran, If this were Iran, I would have sacked Catherine Gotani Hara as Speaker of Parliament,” said Chisa Mbele.

He continued; “She has proven beyond reasonable doubt that she can be desperately opportunistic when vulnerable.”

According to Chisa Mbele, Gotani Hara’s endorsement follows a promise she was made by Chakwera.

“I’m told in strictest confidence by the MCP insiders that she was speaking to please Chakwera because some new favorable blood has been picked from elsewhere and the President has broken whatever promises he might have made to Catherine,” he said.

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