Kawale Police Station have arrested a 62-year-old witch doctor for allegedly committing offences of theft by trick and raping 10 clients with different health ailments.

Kawale Police Spokesperson Sub-inspector Mabvuto Phiri has identified the witch doctor as Action Sungambewu.

“It is reported that the suspect posed himself as a witch doctor and that he heals pile (Likango) disease and has ability to multiply money.

“This however, attracted the attention of many people including the victims, who flocked to his shrine to be assisted.

“In the process, a certain woman with the same problem (name withheld) went to seek assistance from the witch doctor where she was told of cash payment for the service and sexual intercourse was also involved as ritual,” said Phiri.

Phiri further narrated that after noticing that there is no change to her problems, she reported the matter at Area 23 Police Unit, where detectives rushed to his home and arrested him.

During the arrest, the suspect was found confronting other 11 clients who were also duped.

It is also reported that many women seek assistance from him, while demanding money in exchange for the service and he has also been instructing them to have sex with him as ritual for effective functioning of his juju of which many positively complied to.

Sungambeu has dubed close to K850,000.00 from different clients and raped 10 of his clients.

He is expected to appear before court soon to answer charges of theft by trick and rape.

Sungambeu hails from Nampeya in the area of Traditional Authority Chikweu in Machinga District.

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