Business operators from Embangweni trading centre in Mzimba district appreciated the government for the construction of a modern market in their community.

The market has been constructed with support from More Income and Employment in Rural Areas (MIERA) project through National Local Government Finance Committee which support the development of economic infrastructure to improve business operation environment for smaller holder farmers and business enterprises.

According to Estery Manjaluso, business operator at Embangweni market said the construction of the structures at the market is one way of improving hygiene in the trading centre since it has well-structured buildings and toilets.

“We are thankful to the Malawi-Germany Governments for providing us with this beautiful market here at Embangweni trading because in the past we used to sell our businesses along-side the Genda-Embangweni road which was very risky to our lives and that of the customers,” explained Manjaluso.

On behalf of Yollam Mtonga, Revenue Collector for M’mbelwa District Council at Embangweni Market said the structures will ease his revenue collection work since he will meet  the business owners at their places of operating unlike in the past when they well scattered and not traceable.

“This structure will ease revenue collection compared in the past, for instance, it was not easy for me to collect the revenue because the operators were scattered and i could not trace them since some could not be in one place but with the coming in of these buildings i am sure the collection will be done in time and in an easy way,” Mtonga said

Commenting on the matter, Bibu Mdala, Acting Director of Finance for M’mbelwa District Council said the market will uplift the face of the trading centre since the structures have been constructed in a modern way and they have transformed the face of the trading.

“The structures will help a lot in increasing revenue collection at the market compared in the past where the revenue was very little but i believe that now we will have an increase in the collection and not only that the market will act as attraction point for many businesses at the trading hence uplifting the economy and the face of the trading centre.

Vendors at Embangweni trading centre have been selling their items along-side Genda road which is very risky to people and also the drivers using the road, a lot of people has lost their lives due to the act of doing businesses along-side the road but with the coming of the modern structures accidents will be reduced at the trading centre.



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