Controversial Zambian man of God Prophet Ian Genesis has sharpen his tool as he has engaged himself in a holy war with fellow clergy man, Nigeria prophet Andrew Ejimadu who is well known as Prophet Seer1.

Writing on his verified Facebook page, Prophet Ian Genesis accused prophet Seer1 of being a satanist.

According to him, Seer1 does not believe in Jesus Christ whom Christians believed to be the son of God, hence making him a satanist.

The outspoken man of God added that if Seer1 is to return to Zambia he will pull a crowd because there are a lot of people who like him, according to him, even heroes stadium (the biggest stadium in Zambia) is small for him.

“Who doesn’t know that Seer 1 is a satanist but if his coming to Zambia then only those who are like him will go and unfortunately they are a lot. The truth is,even heroes stadium is small for him,” he said.

According to him, it will be a mass initiation exercise into satanism publicly.

Prophet Ian Genesis said; “Look at it from the bigger picture,he will plant something that will take generations to uproot.”

“The Christianity of the nation is under serious test,let’s see if he will be allowed to come and practice voodoo publicly in a christian nation,” he continued.

According to Ian Genesis, prophet Seer1 does not believe in Jesus Christ therefore it will be a public introduction to his godfather.

Seer1 is yet to comment on the matter.

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