Having friends of the opposite s3x remains a touchy subject. People still want to know if it is possible to really be friends with someone of the opposite s3x without emotions or physical attraction setting in.

While it is possible for that to happen, it is also well-known that many people end up sleeping with, or falling in love with people they thought they were just friends with.

And here’s the thing about s3x: whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, it changes things and oftentimes, in ways we couldn’t have predicted or imagined.

So if you have the urge to sleep with that friend, here are questions you need to ask yourself – and answer as honestly as possible!

1. Why do I want this?

If you ask yourself this question and you have no other reason aside from curiosity and a desire to satisfy an urge, you may want to pause. Maybe it is better to do it with someone else than this friend of yours? Just saying.

2. Do you know that things will definitely change?

It’s either one of you is catching feelings somewhere down the line or someone is feeling used and awkward. Whatever the case, things are surely not going be the same again.

You need to give this some good thought before you let that s3x happen.

3. Are you prepared to lose the friendship?

This is one serious consideration to be made before you go all the way with a friend. The freedom, the ability to tell each other everything and just be cool with each other will no longer be easy to come by.

And finally: Are you both on the same page?

It is very important to know if the sex is just s3x or if you both want to explore something more serious after that.

Get on the same page so as to avoid the awkwardness, bitterness and resentment that often comes from unmatched expectations.