Is black powers a myth or real? That was the centre of discussion on radio. 38 years old Abrafi couldn’t hold her tears as she explained her Ordeal to Ante Naa on radio. According to her, she has been totally Crippled in three days time after her rival took away her red Panties away to a curse Deity.

Abrafi explained that, she became a second wife to her husband after he had married his first wife for many years. Efforts to drive her away by her rival proved futile.

” I was very wild so I fought and insulted her all the time. One day, during a fight, she took away my red pants and told me that I’ll see. I chased her to retrieve it but unsuccessful. I told my husband about it but he never said anything concrete ” Abrafi narrated.

” Three days time, I became Crippled. I’m begging her to Release me. I’m sorry for attaching myself to her husband. It won’t happen again. She should turn every curse against me ” Abrafi begged on live radio and TV.

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