Police officers during the Basadi Operation in Chiradzulu have arrested six women for gambling.

The officers under Namadzi Police Post arrested the suspects on Thursday May 19 2022 during the Basadi Operation which is mostly carried out by female police officers.

The six suspects are Catherine Joseph 30, of Chachawo village, Bisika Kapena 32, Patricia Chakoma 20, both from Luna village from Traditional Authority Chitera, Margret Maxwell 24, of Mgumera village from Traditional Authority Juma in Mulanje district, Annie Maloto 23, of Jonathan village in Traditional Authority Ntchema in the district.

The female law enforcers received a tip from well wishers that some women at Namadzi trading centre were at one of the houses gambling (locally known as Juga).

After receiving that information Namadzi women police officers rushed to that house where they managed to arrest the gamblers.

The suspects will appear before court soon to answer the charge of gambling.

Meanwhile, all officers under Chiradzulu Police Women Network are on ground sensitizing and removing girl children from all sort of hardship which includes vending and practicing sexual activities.

Police assures people in the district of their commitment in curbing criminal activities.


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