A Ugandan man returning from Saudi Arabia has died aboard an Ethiopian Airlines plane from Addis Ababa.

Yusuf Kulembera died 20 minutes before the plane landed at Entebbe International Airport on Tuesday, May 17.

According to a report by Uganda’s Observers a post-mortem showed Yusuf succumbed to a blood clot that he suffered during the flight

Ahmed Jjingo, the deceased’s son who was excited to see his father for the first time in three years said he was informed about his father’s demise by one of the passengers while he was having lunch.

Ahmed could not conceal his pain as he conveyed how he had missed his father since he last saw him in 2019.

The deceased had initially told his family that he would travel home to see them in 2020 but he later cancelled the due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Source:Zambia reports

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