Cryptocurrencies are digital money that widely usesBlockchain technology to run and encryption technology for security. Cryptocurrency has not only transformed the way financial markets work but also made its own financial digital market for over a decade. But what are Crypto Assets, and what differentiates them from cryptocurrency? How do Crypto assets work, and what is the difference between crypto-assets and hard assets? And what does the future hold for crypto assets? Read more to find out.

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Cryptocurrencies which are digital money are crypto assets as digital assets. These assets contain a public ledger, peer-to-peer networking, and cryptography. In simple words, a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin is a Crypto asset because you can use it as a medium of exchanging value and also can store and trade it. Cryptocurrencies got their name as crypto assets because they can store value and have liquidity (which can be converted into cash), just like an asset.

The issuance of crypto assets is based on a technique called mining that is done on the Blockchain. A Blockchain is a history of transactions stored in a network. Whenever a transaction is done the Blockchain technology records them to make the whole network transparent, and unchangeable. It does not need any third-party intermediary. In some networks, new crypto assets are only released once miners solve difficult mathematical puzzles like in the case of bitcoin, while other networks rely on validators who have a financial interest in ensuring that the Blockchain works smoothly. Moreover, the utility and value also determine the supply of crypto assets.

Which is better for investment- hard asset or crypto asset?

There has been a tug-of-war in choosing whether to invest in hard assets(such as equity and real estate) or to invest in crypto assets(cryptocurrencies). Some would say that hard assets should be invested in as they are safer and more stable than crypto assets. Dileep Seinberg, a founder and CEO, added that crypto assets are an ideal investment as they are 100% safe and secure and only need a password for inventors to access them. He further added that it doesn’t need any physical storage. All crypto assets are not currencies, as not all have a motive of replacing money. But, today many companies (such as Kodak, Spotify, and Siacoin) use crypto assets.One also claimed that every investment has some sort of risk associated with it, so why not invest in Crypto assets?

Below are the 4 different crypto assets: There are over 10,000 cryptocurrencies and more assets which are divided into 4 categories based on various characteristics such as utility and value dependency.

  1. Cryptocurrency –

These are the most well-known decentralized Blockchain assets. The utility of every Cryptocurrency is different. Some coins like Monero have an unlimited supply, but others like Bitcoin come with a limited supply. Other examples of Cryptocurrency include Dash and ZCash.

These cryptocurrencies are very demanded investment. If you want to invest in it too you can check the Bitcoin Era app which is very popular.

2. Platform Tokens –

Platform Tokens make a database by using Blockchain technology which is distributed amongst computers. The price of platform tokens rises as more people use them. Examples of Platform Tokens include Ethereum (the second most valuable cryptocurrency), Neo, and EOS.

3.  Utility Tokens –

These tokens denote units of decentralized services. You can buy these tokens can and sell them. For example, these tokens can be exchanged for services such as distributed storage, video game currency, etc. Unlike platform tokens, these tokens don’t depend directly on Blockchains. Some examples of utility tokens are Sonm, Golem, and Siacoin.

4.  Transactional tokens –

These Crypto assets were launched to solve the international transaction issues. They are divided into 2 subcategories. One is Blockchain-Based Transactional Tokens. And, another is known as the Internet of Things Based Transactional Tokens. Transactional tokens such as Ripple connect different banks all around the world, which makes cross-boundary transactions easier for users. Other examples include Stellar and IOTA.

Crypto assets have and continue to still gain popularity. Golem Crypto asset is developing a supercomputer. IOTA is planning to delve into making communication, data collection, and microtransaction possible and much easier. Stellar and Ripple have already changed the banking industry by making international transactions much easier. These Crypto Assets have and will revolutionize. To conclude, Crypto assets may not be gold, but they are the future. Cryptocurrency will be the next generation of money flows.







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