A police officer is currently in hospital after a botched suicide attempt last evening.

According to a police report seen by this reporter, an officer now identified as Bernard Oguda of Dujis police station tried to take his life after a heated altercation with his lovers mum.

Reports indicate that the officer went to lady’s house demanding to take her back or he would take his life.

Well after the lady refused to go back with him, the officer took a 250 jerry can full of water like substance and drained it.

He immediately collapsed, the worried mum and her daughter alerted cops who toured the scene only to be shocked after releasing it was one of them.

The officer will be arrested after full recovery and will be charged accordingly.

Lately the number of shocking suicides in the police service has increased to a worrying trend with questions raised as to what could be happening in the society.

Police officers have been urged to undergo mandatory mental health assessment to prevent such horrible incidents.

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