A 36 year old man identified as Mabvuto was caught on the night of 22 May 2022 in Mkango village, T/A Juma in Mulanje district trying to steal bags of maize in an elderly woman’s house.

According to the source, the thief was seen by a certain man identified as Malumbo who was coming from a drinking joint.

“Everyone knows Malumbo in this village, he is a drunkard and when he started shouting about the thief we thought he has started his usual drama,” he said

After some time, people started coming together in order to see if the drunkard was saying the truth.

“By the time Malumbo was shouting the woman (owner of the house) was outside taking a bath and when she heard the shouts, she thought it was Malumbo’s game not knowing he was serving her home,” the source added.

He said that the thief got into the house through the window not the door because the woman locked the door before going to the bathroom.

Some villagers started beating the thief up until the police forum arrived at the scene and rescued the suspect from the angry villagers.

The suspect is currently in police cell.

Mabvuto comes from Juma village, Traditional Authority Juma in the same district.

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