Police in Lilongwe have arrested two people on suspicion that they vandalized and stole cables for Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) , valued at K12, 000, 000 (twelve million kwacha) at Kaweche Primary School in Traditional Authority Masumbankhunda, on Sunday, May 22, 2022 at around 21:00 hours.

The suspects have been identified as Elias Mwale, 46, of Nkhodzalendo Village, Traditional Authority (T/A) Nsabwe, Thyolo, and Geofrey Lefani, 37, of Kumwembe Village, T/A Chiwere in Dowa District.

On the said night a Criminal Investigation Department (CID) officer based at Sinyala Police Unit, received a tip-off that three people were suspiciously loading cables in a Probox vehicle at the said primary school.

Then the said officer mobilized members of the community, and together arrested the suspects.

However, one suspect only identified as Charles Nyirenda, escaped.

Apart from recovering the stolen wires, police also impounded the vehicle, Toyota Probox registration number PE 7402, that was being used in committing the crime.

When contacted ESCOM confirmed the vandalism at the said site and estimated the conductor cables at the above given value.

The suspects will be taken to court any time soon to answer vandalism and theft charges.

The hunt for the third suspect who is still at large is underway.

Meanwhile, police in the district would like to commend the gesture displayed by members of the community around Sinyala Police Unit for working hand in hand with the police in the fight against vandalism of such properties.

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