KENYA – Every day under the sun is a day to wonder at how human beings are losing sanity. A pastor in Baringo County is reported to have burned three boys’ legs for stealing cake worth Kshs. 80 from his bakery. The boys are nursing the burn injuries in Baringo County Referral Hospital.

Pastor Rashid Nduma who oversees Deliverance Church is said to have caught one of the boys stealing cake at his bakery. The act annoyed him to the extent of punishing him by burning his legs in an oven. This act was conducted with the help of another employer in a bid to make the boy reveal his fellow partners in crime.

The boy revealed the whereabouts of his two friends and the morning after the pastor together with his gang set out to look for them. They went to their homes, woke them up and flagged them to the bakery and burnt their feet as well.

The wailing of the boys attracted the attention of the locals who intervened by calling the police. The pastor and another culprit were arrested for the inhumane act while two of the other employees escaped. The police are in hot pursuit of them while the arrested will be arraigned in court.

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