Principal for Mangochi Gateway College, Chriford Pangani has been arrested for duping students at his college after hiding in Mulanje district for weeks now.

Gresham Ngwira, Mulanje Police Station spokesperson said Tadala Gama a student at the college paid 145,000 kwacha each together with 95 other students  amounting to 13 million kwacha, money which meant for examination fee.

“We have arrested the principal of the said college because of fraud, he has been arrested for allegedly duping students millions of money,” he said.

Ngwira said the diplomas and the board which was used to produce the results were fake.

“The board which made the certificates and the diplomas which were given to the students were all fake and sham,” he explained.

He will appear before court soon

Pangani comes from Nsona Village, Traditonal Authority Mabuka in Mulanje district

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