Mornings are tough for most of us. Especially on weekdays. When we have a job, we don’t like. Or we hate that reminder of schooling with the morning rush. Do you want to keep those “negative” mornings? If not, here are some ideas to apply:

1. Start waking up earlier.

The morning rush is what hate most of us. Make more time space in the morning, to slow down and enjoy it. Go to bed earlier and get up earlier. Change that schedule bit by bit.

2. Start with the thing you love

What is something small but valuable for you?A song, coffee, several pages of the book, etc. Get it in the morning.

3. Get fresh air.

Have a short walk or jogging. Or simply open windows to breathe the morning.

4. Let your blood flow.

Do some simple exercises to inform your body that the day has started. Start your physical engine.

5. Eat. Something tasty.

Have a proper breakfast. Enjoy your meal.

6. Remind yourself of good things planned for the day.

You can treat it as a carrot. Or just make sure that this day has something good to offer.

7. Hug your beloved ones

Hugs are so important for a human. As an alternative, you can hug someone you know on your way to work or at work.

8. Make it a habit

Make your morning ritual a habit. Start following it subconsciously. This is how you make sure you will not miss your morning injection of positivity.

9. No alarm

An alarm is what brings extra stress to our life. You can avoid using an alarm by starting to wake up earlier and making it a habit.

10. Change something in your job if you hate it.

Change your working environment or workplace in general.

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