Even though the symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease may take some time to manifest, there are still some evident signs to look out for. There are a slew of indications that you have been exposed to an STD.

These STD symptoms can be seen in some persons, but not in others. People who show no signs of a sexually transmitted disease are not always free of the disease.

A hospital checkup is the only way to know for sure if you or your spouse has an STD. The following are some of the most frequent signs and symptoms of an STD, as described in an article on the Healthline website.

Warts or sores that can be seen

2. Urination that causes discomfort

The genital area is swollen.

4. Pain in the pelvic floor

Itching and/or bleeding in the vaginal region

6. An itchy or swollen area around the pubic area

Menstrual or vaginal discharge that is colored, contains fluid or pus, and is present in either gender

8. Odorous fluid or pus discharge from the genitals (from either the female or male organ)

There is a lot of itching in the vaginal region.

10. There are no signs or symptoms to indicate that something is wrong. Many men may have an STD yet show no symptoms at all, despite the fact that there are numerous indications.

Above all, if you’ve had unprotected sexual contact or have had close physical contact with someone, you should get tested very away. Visit a hospital or see your doctor if you’re having trouble.