anzanian MP Wants The Gov’t To Tame Tanzanian Men’s Appetite For Breast milk.

Breastfeeding a young one is beneficial to his or her health. This is because the milk from it’s mother has alot of nutrients which makes it grows in a health manner. There are claims that alot of men nowadays are competing with their children over the same. They always take what is supposed to be for their children.

A Tanzanian MP called Ms. Jacqueline Msongozi has raise this concern saying that there are a lot of cases in our country Kenya where men have this tendency. She quoted this, “They suck the milk of their breastfeeding wives instead of the baby suckling to get necessary nutritional elements.”

She added by saying the following, “This has been witnessed across different regions. I ask the Ministry to do research. These grown men are feasting on what belongs to their children. They suck the milk of their breastfeeding wives instead of the baby suckling to get necessary nutritional elements.”

He requested the Tanzanian government to start a campaign to educate men of Tanzania on the dangers of doing the same before it is too late.

“I ask the ministry to roll out plans and provide education thoroughly so that these fathers do not violate the rights of their children,” she said.

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