The High Court has released on bail Clifford Khomba, a man who is alleged to have deliberately hit four traffic officers on duty in Blantyre two weeks ago.

Police arrested Khomba soon after the incident and has since been at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre where he was admitted. His relations two weeks said that he was allegedly assaulted by police, a claim that South West Police Region publicist Ramsey Mushani refuted.

According to an order for release on bail made by High Court Judge Vikochi Chima we have seen directs Blantyre Police Station to release the motorist from the “unlawful” detention.

Reads part of the order: “You are required to release the said Clifford Khomba from your custody unless he is being held for any other lawful reason.”

Khomba injured the three traffic police officers following a misunderstanding that occurred between them. They were, however, treated as outpatients.

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