Telekom Network of Malawi (TNM) said the Kuikunga ndi Mpamba promotion will break the silence on 10 June, 2022 where a 100, 000, 000 kwacha winner will have to share 50, 000, 000 kwacha with 10 group members in order to expand the benefits to a wider community.

According to TNM’s Head of Brand and Marketing officer, Madalitso Jonazi said this will be the first time for a consumer to win a whole lot of 100, 000, 000 million and the winner will be any customer who has used Mpamba and contributed to the country’s economy growth.

“Unlike in gaming or gambling where one’s odds can’t be predicted, what is certain is that any customer who has used Mpamba has contributed to the country’s economic growth in one way or another as TNM plc is committed to rewarding customers for their usage as will be the case on June 10, 2022,” Said Jonazi.

Jonazi has appreciated the TNM Mpamba customers for promoting the promotion by using their Mpamba services and raises the awareness of Kuikunga ndi Mpamba.

“As a business, we would like to express our gratitude to our customers and all Malawians for their patience as they waited for the outcome of the draw. Now we are ready and all Malawians should hold their breath as we prepare to make one amongst us MK100 Million richer,” explained Jonazi.

TNM awards their customers and agents nationwide with the aim of charging their lives.

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