Malawians have saluted newly appointed Secretary to the President and Cabinet (SPC) Colleen Zamba for banning all lakeshore, and out of duty station meetings as one way of saving public money.

Zamba announced the austerity measures today when she held meetings with Principal Secretaries in various government ministries and departments in the capital Lilongwe.

According to Zamba, all public office meetings must be held in respective office board rooms.

The measures have excited many Malawians and some have taken to social media to praise the new SPC who replaced Zanga-zanga Chikhosi.

Chikondi Banda wrote: “I once said all civil servant’s must emulate from us teachers. we hold our meetings within the school thus under a tree or in a classroom. no allowance is drawn. If the meeting exceeds lunch, we only buy cheap food items like frozy and mandasi.”

Concurring with Banda’s remarks Paul Chiwaya wrote: “Very good. And some enemies of progress will develop hatred towards her.”

Another concerned citizen identified as Moses Chabuka wrote: “It is a good decision but not enough. Fight corruption and recover stolen money then prove to Development partners and citizens that you are accountable. Otherwise this will not bring tangible impact on the collapsing economy.”

Meanwhile, it is yet to be seen if the order will be followed.

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