Teachers in the country have expressed concern and worry with the government decision to recruit Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) holders as primary school teachers to act as role models in the rural areas of the country.

Few days ago, the government announced that they will soon start recruiting the MSCE holders who are willing to serve as teachers in various public primary schools in the country without undergoing the whole process of training in the Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) with the aim of encouraging girl child education in rural areas, a decision which has angered most teachers in the nation.

According to Javis Mwale, a secondary school teacher in Mulanje said the government should come up with clear answers to what will happen to the qualified teachers who have been trained already and are waiting for the postings to be out.

“Instead of the government to be thinking of recruiting the qualified people who are still staying at home they are planning of recruiting MSCE holders who knows nothing and have no skill in them,” he said.

He added that the government should stop training the teachers in Teacher Training Institutions since it has proved that it cannot employ them.

Zelifa Juma, Chiradzulu TTC graduate said the news shocked her since she graduated in 2020 and there is no news of their recruitment but the government is interested in the MSCE holders not in employing them.

“Why should the government recruit MSCE holders while we are here waiting for our postings?, we want to be employed and we are tired of staying at home, what we want to hear is our recruitment simple, the government want to mean we cannot act as role models in rural areas,” Juma said angrily.

She said the government should employ the teachers that are waiting for their postings and stop employing them on auxiliary bases in the country because that was not the reason they were trained for.

“If the government cannot manage to employ the trained teachers, it is better not to train them and close the TTCs up until when the government will be ready for recruitment and to add on that this is one thing which will continue to cause low education standards in Malawi,” she explained.

Each year the Ministry of Education enrolls students in various TTCs in the country but when they graduate they have to wait for their postings for more than one year to be recruited in various public schools a tendency which has made a lot of people leave the sector and cause loss to the government.

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