ZAMBIA – A 36 year old man of Zambia compound in Mazabuka district in Southern Province is appearing before court for incest.

Mazabuka town is fondly known as Zambia’s sweetest town, because it is home to Zambia Sugar Company – producers of the White spoon sugar of Nakambala.

For that reason, many people migrate to work in Mazabuka and “maybe” that also applies for an incestuous Sitwala Sitwala Lubinda.

While one would have expected bo Lubinda to end at chewing those sweet Nakambala sugarcanes, appetite for more sweeter stuff misled him to start having sex with his own daughter.

For that sexual immorality, Lubinda is before the Mazabuka Magistrates’ Court, charged with two counts – incest and gender-based violence, contrary to section 159(1)of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the laws and Zambia and, Section 248 A of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia, respectively.

Facts before court are that Lubinda on October 20, 2021, did have carnal knowledge of a female namely Beatrice Sitwala, aged 16, who is his biological daughter.

Public prosecutor a Sikazwe adjourned the matter of incest for continued trial.

Meanwhile, in the gender-based case, Lubinda pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five years with hard labour.

Particulars of the offence are that Lubinda, on October 20, 2020 did assault his biological daughter, Beatrice, thereby occasioning her actual body harm.