Member of Parliament for Zomba Chisi Mark Botomani has declared Leader of Opposition in Parliament Kondwani Nankhumwa as the best candidate to lead the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) through to 2025 elections.

Botomani, former Minister of Information said this on Sunday during the launch of a free driving school by Zomba Central Member of Parliament, Bester Awali.

The Ex-Minister then urged Nankhumwa not to fear anyone.

In his address Nankhumwa avoided commenting on the declaring but concentrated much in attacking President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and the Tonse Alliance.

Nankhumwa said everyone knows that it’s Chakwera’s policies that are creating these higher prices that biting the poor in this country.

“Poor Malawians are already being pummeled by surging prices on every product and on the other hand we have poor and clueless leadership that adds another burden on already “yoked Malawians” with a 25% devaluation. This is not normal. This is an insult to Malawians who voted for him. This country is being governed by fringe leadership which needs to be kicked out in 2025,” said Nankhumwa who is also DPP Vice President for the South to the cheering mammoth crowd.

He further said that he has been advising Chakwera through parliamentary and podium speeches urging to stop traveling anyhow in country and abroad to save the little resources poor Malawians are paying through taxes but his advice lands on deaf ears.

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