A photograph that is just gut-wrenching has surfaced online, showing a quintuplet newborn girl being taken to her funeral. It was observed that the youngsters were grieving as they carried the body of their deceased sister to the burial site.

Throughout the entire funeral procession, they presented looks of shock as well as disorientation.

When the brothers found out that their only sister had passed away from natural causes, they were taken aback.

They were at a loss for what to do with themselves and began crying uncontrollably as a result. The children, with the exception of one young lady, were seen carrying the casket with a member of the family who wore a dress and veil that matched the others in the group.

People looked on as the four siblings wept when they carried their sister’s casket down the street while others stood by and watched them.

They were joined at the event by their parents, who also took part in the festivities. Please write “rest in peace” for this young lady, and may the soul of this damsel find eternal peace.

They were unable to take it, and so they assisted their parents in carrying their sister’s clear casket around the house after she passed away.

There was only one girl among the five of them. The only girl out of her four sets of twins to survive passed away. I’m so sorry, could you please type “may she rest in peace” for her?

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