Leader of opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa has saluted President Dr. lazarus Chakwera for to withhold all delegated duties to the Vice President Saulos Chilima following Chilima’s alleged involvement in corruption.

Nankhumwa who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the South said this in a statement made available to faceofmalawi.

According to Nankhumwa, Chakwera has demonstrated that he is against corruption at all levels in the country.

“The President must be commended for removing the Inspector General of Police (IG), Dr. George Kainja, from his position for being named in the report. It is alleged that the former IG acted corruptly in his relationship with Zuneth Sattar.

“President Chakwera has also done well to halt all delegated duties to his Vice President, Saulos Chilima, and for suspending his State House Chief of Staff, Prince Kapondam’gaga, as well as the Board Chair for PPDA, John Suzi-Banda, again for being suspected to have corruptly dealt with Sattar, until they are cleared of wrongdoing by ACB or any competent court of law. The President has also done very well in directing that procurement laws be strengthened to avoid things of this nature from happening again in future,” said Nankhumwa.

He added: “This is a commendable development because one of the best ways to fighting corruption is strengthening the legal environment as well as creating foolproof systems so that they are not easily infiltrated by corrupt minds, or those who do not mean well for our country. These are obviously the right steps Mr. President, and what Malawians have been expecting in as far as the fight against corruption is concerned.”

However, Nankhumwa has condemned Chakwera for attacking ACB.

“It is extremely disappointing to note that despite the fact that Malawi taxpayers’ money was allegedly stolen, in billions, in this Sattar fiasco, the President spent over 60 percent of his time and address directing his anger at the ACB and its Director, Ms. Martha Chizuma. He claimed that the ACB is unprofessional and that its work is substandard “with rookie procedural and strategic mistakes that risk giving the corrupt cartels in our land a footing to obstruct and oppose every move we make to defeat them”.

“President Chakwera projected Ms. Chizuma as somebody who does not know how to do her job apparently because the report did not include finer details about how the people that have been mentioned conducted themselves with Sattar. The President was also not happy with the fact that the Office of Chief Justice and the Office of Speaker of National Assembly have been furnished with the report. In his thinking, he should have been the only one to get the report from the Bureau,” added Nankhumwa.

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