The Lusaka Boma Local Court has ordered a 35-year old woman of Ng’ombe compound to compensate her husband with a K12, 000 for initiating a divorce.

The amount, according to the court, should be paid in monthly installments of K500.
This is in a matter where Rebecca Sakala took to court her husband, Isaac Tembo, 37, of Ng’ombe area for divorce because she no longer loves him.

Appearing before senior presiding magistrate Martha Tembo, Sakala explained that their marriage was in an on and off situation, something that made the couple to sometimes live apart.
“Our marital problems began the very year and month we got married; a pregnant woman came home shouting that my husband should have married her, not me,” Sakala narrated.

She narrated that in the process, she lost love and respect for her husband and now wants divorce to be granted.

In defence, Isaac Tembo said they used to have problems because each time they had an argument, his wife would chase him in the middle of the night.

He said his wife took advantage of the fact that she found the house they were living in and was financing most of the bills.

Tembo added that Sakala lost respect for him, to the extent of delegating a young dependent to wash his clothes, including underwear.

He, however, said he still loves his wife and children.

“I want my children to live under the same roof with both their parents and I feel we can work out our differences, instead of throwing away a 10 year old marriage,” said Tembo.
In passing Judgment, magistrate Tembo dissolved the marriage, noting that there is no love between the parties.

Magistrate Tembo said both parties lack seriousness and commitment in their marriage, hence her move to dissolve.

Magistrate Tembo ordered Sakala to financially sustain her struggling husband because he is unable to pay rentals or buy food to sustain himself with the piecework that he is currently doing.

As for the couple’s two children, a boy aged eight and another one three, the magistrate ordered Tembo to be paying monthly child support of K300.

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