Corona Virus has been a global disease that attacked the whole world in 2019. However, it took more than two years to be where we are right now as the world leaders were trying to curb the spread of the virus.

However, after a lockdown of 2 full years, the South African government saw that it could be a great decision if they lower some lockdown restrictions. This includes wearing masks outdoors, gathering when parting and attending funerals in large numbers.

However, the South African received great news last night that they no longer need to wear face masks indoors and outdoors. This comes after the wearing of masks was the only left strict rule as others were scrapped.

Unfortunately, minister of Health Joe Phahlaa has advised further on that. He says people should continue wearing masks if they feel like doing so. It is for their safety and assurance that they don’t get any disease spread by others.

@KSb: I mean we could all just be taking a covid rapid test every few days and wearing high quality masks in crowded indoor settings, but for some reason that’s been deemed totally unthinkable by political and media opinion leaders.

@Rani: It could easily be a mandate for schools or large events like concerts. My friend works at a private elementary school that does weekly PCR tests and works with a vendor to provide next day results. 0 Major outbreaks because of that + going remote during surges.

@Janice: Yep. My niece goes to an exclusive 60K a year private school and they also test weekly. Installed state of the art ventilation. No outbreaks. Wealthy people are doing what’s necessary to protect themselves while encouraging the rest of us to let it rip.

@Justin:Any mitigations that are proposed now, have to be considered lifelong mitigations. I don’t think biweekly PCR testing for the rest of one’s life is feasible.  We need to work on ventilation and UVC in HVAC systems for sure, and making sure people mask when sick.


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