A Kenyan woman identified as Maureen Atieno Omolo has narrated how her husband removed her eye and cut her finger off with a machete.

In an interview with Afrimax TV, the lady said her husband was ready to kill her rather than see her with another man.

Omolo disclosed that she came from a family of four but lost both her parents at age nine.

Since then, she has been responsible for herself and her younger siblings.

According to her, she got married at the age of 15 to get someone to help take care of her and her siblings.

She said her husband would go to work every day, all in a bid to take care of the family.

Omolo said she became a prisoner in her husband’s house as she had to live a solitary life because her husband feared another man might snatch her from him.

She tried to allay his fear, but the man was adamant. He would lock her up and leave for work, to avoid losing her to another man.

He claimed it was because he loved her. She decided to endure it in hopes that things might change in the future.

Omolo revealed that her husband also vowed to kill her rather than allow another man to take her away from him.

She took the man’s threat lightly because she thought he had only said it out of love and jealousy.

After some years, she and her husband had four children, but lost one, leaving them with three.

One day, she sought her husband’s permission to start doing some business to earn some money to support him in taking care of the family.

She had feared that he would not agree to the idea, but he did, surprisingly.

She got a job as house help in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, and she had to leave her husband and the children behind.

Although she normally visited them from time to time.

She said, “He warned me that if I ever cheated on him, he would kill me.”

She and her husband usually sent text messages to keep in touch.

He kept emphasizing on killing her together along with any man she cheated on her with or tried to leave him for.

A few months later, she returned home to the shock of her life. Her husband had gone for another woman.

After crying, Omolo decided to return to the city because she didn’t feel she belonged in the house.

Her husband did not agree, he was still committed to having her and was ready to throw the second woman out for her sake.

After she went back to Nairobi, her husband became furious and called threatening to kill the children if she didn’t come back.

She had to quickly return home to avoid her children being killed.

She lived with her rival, with whom she always had misunderstandings.

She decided to return to Nairobi to retrieve some money that her former employers owed her.

Her jealous husband thought she was leaving for good, so he texted her brother to inform him that he was going to kill Omolo.

Before her brother could call to alert her to flee, the man had already launched an attack on her with a machete that his second wife had brought to him.

The mother of three said, “I was pleading with him to stop, but he didn’t. He cut me, and I fell to the ground.

“I kept pleading with him to forgive and not kill me, but he said whatever I said, he was going to kill me and then go to prison.”

He cut her right hand, back, and her shoulders with the machete, and removed her eye after which, she blacked out.

He thought she had died, so he left her and drank poison to die but failed. He then ran to the police station to report himself.

By that time his second wife had fled.

Fortunately, Omolo survived after she was rushed to a hospital.

She now sells fruits by the road to earn money to take care of herself and her children.

Watch Omolo’s Interview…

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