Neno District Education Office has expressed worry over two hundred thousand learners who dropped out of school due to forced marriages, child labour, physical challenges and poor school facilities.

According to Ector Taibu, District Education Manager office representative said over 42 dropouts got employed, almost 155 learners got married and 206 learners dropout of school due to long distances.

“When the office learnt of this issues, it has come up with a solution that will help to keep the learners in schools, for example giving bursaries to the needy, building friendly structures for the disabled,” said Taibu.

He added that the office is collaborating with non-governmental organisations in other problems that the learners face in Neno.

Commenting on the matter Joseph Chiphaliwali, Neno district council chairperson said teachers who will found bolt their work will be disciplined.

“For the solutions to work perfectly, we need to work hand in hand with the teachers because if they are left out we are going to yield nothing as a result all teachers who will be absconding their work will be suspended and at the same time disciplined,” Chiphaliwali explained.

Neno is one of the districts in the country which has a large number of school dropouts due to harmful practices which affect children.

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