Pindani Kaipanyama a primary school teacher at Kambilonjo fought his Primary Education Advisor (PEA) for enquiring a Lesson Plan in front of learners in a disrespectful manner.

Reports say the PEA identified as Misanjo for Chitekwe zone visited Kambilonjo school in the early hours of 29 June 2022 where he went straight to standard 6 which happens to be Kaipanyama class and found him busy teaching, Kaipanyama did not pay attention to the PEA but instead continuing with his lesson.

According to the source, when the PEA noticed that the lesson was going to an end he called for him to present his lesson plan and that was then the teacher told his boss to open Shareit for him to transfer the lesson plan to his phone since he did not have a hardcopy with him.

“The PEA was so furious when he heard what the teacher had answered him and took it as an insult since he does not have a smart phone,” the source said.

She added that Misanjo slapped the teacher in front of the learners for giving him un-appropriate answer and writing the lesson plans in a laptop, as a way of defending himself for the hot slap he received from his boss Kaipanyama did not even control himself but giving him a beaten of his life.

“The learners notified the Head teacher and other teachers on what was happening at the school and they suddenly came for the PEA’s rescue, but the PEA was already having bruises on his face,” She added.

Misanjo left the school in anger and reported Kaipanyama to the Director of education, Youth and Sports for displinary actions.




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