Welcome to the reality of South Africa where a man has to somehow find it a privilege when a woman sexually harrases him. Our people are very sensitive, we can’t even take a joke sometimes. We recently come across a video of lady who went to filling station and violated petrol attendants rights. Mzansi have reacted to the lady in the video after seeing what she was doing to the man.

Many people who saw he video have blamed the lady after she forced herself to the guy. She was Seen in a video kissing the guy by force and the man could not do anything because his at work. Followers are saying that this lady should be arrested with immediate effect for violent health this man’s right.
Besides being sensitive his rights were violated here he was not even anticipating it body language is key here. The lady was at wrong but because things are one sided no body is going to says anything because she did it to a man and it looks like a joke. If it was a man doing this we could be singing a different tune right now but because is a woman doing this, it’s funny.
Imagine if a Man had done that to a female petrol attendant. People were going to search where he works and make sure he get fired and also open a case with SAPS. Problem a customer is always right if he pushed her he was going to loose his job. She’s female, she can’t be wrong especially on sexual harassment. The speed and volume if roles where reversed

What do you think of this situation here. Should the lady be arrested or should the person who took the video be arrested? What is your Opinion?