A 39 year-old man has lost his life after drinking beer for the whole day without eating anything at Lunzu in Blantyre district.

Reports say the man identified as Mabvuto Bamusi is well known for his drinking habit to the extent that he was not sleeping in his house but rather a kitchen which is very close to his house.

Erick Matemba, cousin to the deceased said Bamusi stopped sleeping in his house a long time ago after his wife questioned him about his drinking habit and he took it as a hinderous to his drinking life style.

“He left the house and started sleeping in the kitchen to have ample time of drinking without any disturbance,” Matemba said.

He added that Bamusi left his compound 4 days ago and when the wife and the relatives called him on phone to know where he was he answered them that they should not worry because he was fine and he was going to join them soon.

“We waited for him for a long time to be home but he did not show up and that was when I made a call for the last time, he said he was coming, thankfully enough he appeared on Tuesday, he said he was tired and we are going to talk tomorrow,” Matemba continued.

He added that on Wednesday morning he sent for food to be made by his wife while his daughter should be the one to feed him, since he said he was very hungry and looking purl.

“When I visited him he was looking very purl and he never told us where he was only asked for a promise to take good care of his family after he is gone,” he said.

According to Matemba, his cousin was found dead the following day after taking a lot of beer on Wednesday without eating since he was refusing to eat by saying he was going to eat when he was hungry, but to his surprise Bamusi did not touch all the food that was kept beside his bed.

Michael Kabudula, the deceased neighbor said Bamusi seemed stressed after returning from his journey when he asked him what the problem was Bamusi did not open up.

“When I asked the wife what the problem was, she said everything was going well before he left the house but his return confused her a lot because he hardly talk neither laugh only drinking was his friend,” Kabudula explained.

He added that he was surprised to hear that his neighbor has passed away without discussing his problems with people who were willing to help him.

Bamusi will be laid to rest on Friday at Kumwamba village, Traditional Authority Mabuka in Mulanje distric.

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