Sex as a plain word sounds very immoral to the ear considering the African setting but little did they know it is of great importance than we see it to be. After providing sexual excitement, it is responsible for recreational purposes and other health benefits.

With medical backing from legit medical expert sites, the practice of regular sex helps frequent ejaculation lowers your prostate cancer risk, and other related genital diseases according to a study from the Boston University of Public Health.

Depriving your body of sex can cause your chances of experiencing erectile dysfunction to rise because regular erections and normal testosterone levels help your manhood stay healthy.

Abstinence for too long could hurt your libido and might even make it harder to perform when it is needed some other time, according to a Finnish study from The American Journal of Medicine.

This condition makes it impossible for the male organ to experience a complete and long-lasting erection, making it unsuitable for sexual activity when the need arises.

Also, you stand a chance of contracting prostate cancer. With reference to a U.S study conducted between 1992 and 2010, 32,000 young men were examined throughout these years, and those who could ejaculate about 21 times in a month after further examination were found to have low chances of prostate cancer, whereas the other control group who had their ejaculation mechanism tempered showed a high risk, they concluded.

Your manhood can shrink or reduce in size. To remain elastic, the spongy tissue in your penis (carvanosum and spongiosis) must regularly receive a burst of blood flow, a process that occurs during erections.

This energizes them to carry out their normal cell divisions and other activities for enlargement naturally, which does not happen when you desist from having intercourse for a long time.

Your manhood in this condition can experience a reduction in the size of about two to three centimeters.

This has resulted in the formulation of a popular saying by these medical experts, which says, “Use It or Lose It”.

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