Malawians on social media are trolling fast arising comedienne Nyauyu real name Felistus Ngwira for alleging that one of the big boys in the country offered to give her K10 million in exchange with her forbidden fruit.

Yesterday, Nyauyu took o social media narrating her ordeal she came across during the preparations of her Vilekeke Night of laughter series she held earlier this month.

Among others Nyauyu claimed that one of the CEOs in the country offered to sponsor the even with K10 million kwacha only if she allow him to sleep with him, of which she said no according to her.

“I remember someone told me “I can give you 10 million just now all you have to do is come to my room uzanidikulire. I looked at this man and said “So the idea doesn’t matter all you want is to enter the holy of holies of Vilekeke Kingdom? And he said yes with no shame at all eee kweni doda lila mwabanthu,” she wrote.

Nyauyu’s allegations have sparked debate from people on social media who are accusing her of seeking attention her being a comedienne.

Others are calling on her to name the person if indeed what she is saying is true.

One Manice Abiti William Dawood said, “Mene yasowera ndalamamo, mwamuna wake uti angapereke 10 Million Kwacha chifukwa cha ndata ya short time? Mwina itakhala relationship tu. Mutchuleni timupange google.”

Mable Nadimba Nangantani; “Akunama aja kungofuna attention. Ngati ananyengedwa ndi soseji za zambia ndi peanut butter ndi Ken Dumbo nde muti 10million anakana? Maloto kukoma.”

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