The High Court has started hearing a case involving a 19 year old boy Mussa John , who was sentenced to eight years for being found in possession of Indian Hemp.

However the state has raised an objection arguing that lawyers for John have introduced new evidence on his age by saying that he is 17 years old and not 19 years old as recorded by the magistrate court.
According to the state John already told the magistrate court that he is 19 years old.

However, Alexius Kamangira one of the lawyers for John has told the court that there is no new evidence on the age but if the court agrees that there is new evidence,the applicants will proceed as per the guidance of the court.

Meanwhile High Court Judge Vikochi Chima has directed that lawyers for John can make an application to the court, to allow them file the new evidence on the age.

She further directed that the lawyers for John can proceed to argue on other grounds for review of the case and not on the age.

Chima has also said that she will not hear an application for bail pending review today.

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